Pet Services
"Helping you honor, celebrate and cherish the life of your furry family member"
Exclusively by the Kevin M. Mason Funeral Home
In beloved memory of our much loved and deeply missed family member Cody Bear
October 8, 2008 - May 6, 2021
Cody, may you rest in peace. We love you dearly and miss you every moment. Your love, legacy, soul and spirit will forever remain in our hearts.

As avid lover of all animals, and the pops of two rescue dogs, I understand the significant role our pets have in the family structure. As family you love unconditionally, guide, support, nurture and care for your pets as any other family member. No matter what, through it all , they reward you with love, loyalty, devotion, friendship and endless kisses. In our family , and I'm sure in your family as well, it would be difficult to look at family pictures and not see our pets included. They are included in as much as possible.
When our beloved pets become sick or aged you care for them as any other member of the family. Often making what ever sacrifice is necessary for their well-being, health and happiness.
As a pet parent you know firsthand that the loyalty, friendship, devotion and emotional support these family members provide on a daily basis is immeasurable. They definitely make a house a home and strengthen the family bond.
Unfortunately, we experience the devastation and heartache of having these family members pass away. Sometimes, we must do what is best for our pets when there is no hope or quality of life remaining. We never use the term "put down" or euthanasia. Making this decision is truly an act of love and sacrifice.
Their loss, under any circumstances can be unbearable and leave us broken hearted. Their love, personality and of course their presence in our lives are terribly missed by all family members. Unless one is a pet parent, the enormous impact the loss leaves can be hard for many people to understand. Perhaps so because we do not really have a rite of passage or acknowledgement of the loss.
As with the loss of a human family member, many friends do not know exactly what to respond, and although they mean well may say something insensitive like; "you can always rescue/adopt another pet" or "It's just a cat/dog".
As pet parents, we have been working to assist you in the loss of your beloved family member and offer you our support during your bereavement.

Therefore, we introduce to you Pets to Angels
You can select any service you wish ranging from receiving 16 complimentary remembrance cards to having a family visitation and/or service. Below is a menu of services we offer to you and your beloved pet. It is important to note that we do not cremate pets, but will deliver your pet to the local pet crematory or pet cemetery. Also, it is important to note that humans and pets are not cremated together or at the same crematory. As a courtesy, the Kevin M Mason Funeral Homewill provide 16 remembrance/tribute cards to any family who has experienced the loss of their pet family member. These complimentary cards will include the name of the pet, the date of birth (most often the date of adoption) and the date of their passing and a beautiful poem. The cards will be mailed directly to the family along with a sympathy card. To order your complimentary remembrance/tribute cards, simply call Pets to Angels at (716) 300-1770. Or, the Kevin M Mason Funeral Home at (716) 362-0199. You may email us at [email protected] with the information.
Menu of Services, Policies and Pricing for Pets to Angels Services
Local transfer of the deceased pet (under 50 lbs) from the place of passing to a local crematory: $75.00 If the pet weighs more than 50 pounds, please add an additional $25.00 up to 150 lbs.) This price does NOT include the crematory fee.
Custodial Care of your pet until cremation/burial can take place, this is a per day day fee: $30.00 per day in a facility separate from the funeral home.
Visitation / Wake of your pet; most often in a blanket provided by the family or in a basket, container. PLEASE NOTE: WE DO NOT EMBALM PETS, and we have a separate facility/ care area for the compassionate care and visitation of your pet. This includes washing, brushing / grooming your pet. $195.00
Small caskets / alternative containers for your pet; styles, materials and colors vary. $65.00 - 400.00 depending on size and material.
Receiving the cremated remains of your pet: The cremated remains may be received by the funeral home or a family member. The pet crematory will place the cremated remains of your pet in a box they provide. You wish to choose a pet themed urn from the funeral home. Urns range from $45.00 - $300.00
Burial of your pet: You may choose to have your pet interred at a pet cemetery. We suggest you call the cemetery directly for location availability and pricing. We can provide transportation for you. Our fee for this services is: $195.00
Conducting a graveside or service for your beloved pet by Kevin M. Mason: $75.00
Additional Remembrance / Tribute Cards: 24 cards $18.00 / 48 cards $36.00 / 100 cards $72.00

"PAW PACKAGE " Price $415.00*
Depending on your specific needs, we offer an exclusive "PAW PACKAGE" which includes all the following:
- Compassionate & dignified transfer of your pet from place of passing to the funeral home
- one hour farewell visitation for family
- a pet blessing
- 24 complimentary tribute cards, a remembrance candle
- transportation to the crematory/cemetery
- if your pet is cremated, receiving of the cremated remains in a beautiful wood urn and delivery of the cremated remains to your local residence.
This special "PAW PACKAGE" pricing DOES include the crematory fee up pets up to 50 lbs. For pets that exceed that weight, the crematory will charge extra, you will pay the price difference. This price represents a substantial savings if selected.
Currently there are no regulations or policies in effect for new york state licensed funeral directors and/or new york state licensed funeral homes that govern the care of deceased pets. We have been consulting with the new york state department of health/bureau of funeral directing to consider implementing and maintaining such regulations as many pet parents wish to use such services when needed.
Our policy at the kevin m. Mason funeral home for our pets to angel care is to deliver prompt, professional, dignified and compassionate care to your beloved pet family member as well as offering support and guidance for the family.
We have separate care facilities and procedures for deceased human family members and deceased pet family members enabling us to always ensure the highest level of care, cleanliness and sanitation for all entrusted to our care.